
5-40mm Thick Steel Plates Lifter - Battery Powered Lift Magnets 12 Ton

In the workshop of a mining equipment manufacturer in ShanDong Province, plate clamps and hooks used to be the main lifting tools they got to handle steel plates & cut parts in various sizes. But now that's not the case anymore, as they procured a set of new plate handling equipment, battery powered lift magnets, from HVR MAG.

Battery Powered Lift Magnets Characteristics: Lifting capacity: 12 ton; Quantity of magnet modules: 12; Battery powered, with radio remote control; For single plate handling; No power consumption during lift; electric power is only required for the magnetization & demagnetization phase of magnet modules.
Steel Plate (to be lifted) Specifications: Maximum weight: 10.2 ton; Thickness: 5-40mm; Width: 1.5-2.5m; Length: 6-13m.

Benefits Gained by this factory:

The custom-built self contained battery powered lift magnets (as shown in pictures), with remote  control, are free of restricting cords and wires and therefore, have the further advantage of being usable in areas where electric power is not available or permit-table.

If you want to learn more about our lifting magnets, welcome to visit our lifting magnet page.

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