
Robot Arm Palletizing Circular Steel Workpiece with Customised Magnetic Gripper

Below is a new application of magnetic gripper customised by HVR MAG, mounted on a robotic arm,  palletizing circular steel workpiece an automated manufacturing plant to improve its process efficiency.

This magnetic gripper utilizes permanent electromagnetic technology to grip/grab/pick up workpieces.
Magnet model: HEPM1-25; rated lifting force: 3kg

Benefits gained with customized magnetic gripper:
◾Precision end-of-line-palletizing - magnetic gripper on pick and place robot for automatic handling.
◾Increased number of lifts per hour - simple picking up and positioning operation, engages the load in seconds.
◾No load damage - protects the product finish, ideal for painted, coated or polished surfaces.
◾No power consumption during the lift.
◾Maintains its grip on workpiece even in a sudden power loss or an emergency stop.

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