
8 Ton Lifting Magnets Loading Steel Plate for Laser Cutting Table

Don't know what kind of plate handling equipment to choose to load for your cutting system? Check this case of 8 ton lifting magnets loading steel plate for laser cutting table, and you'll find the answer.

Why would we recommend magnetic lifting system for you? There are several reasons.

First, lifting magnets are much safer and more efficient than plate clamps or hooks. Strong and magnetic clamping force on the plate, no need to worry about the sudden dropping during the lifting process, even in a sudden power outage.
Second, lifting magnets system offers selective control of magnet lifters on the beam, which means they can handle plates of various sizes in a most energy efficient way.

Third, all our magnetic lifting beams are equipped with a remote, which only requires one operator to manipulate the whole loading process.

There are also many other competitive edges of our lifting magnets over other lifting equipment. Contact us for further information about our magnetic lifting technology.

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