
Angle Iron Lift - Permanent Lifting Electromagnets

How to lift angle iron? Or how do you lift a piece of long angle iron off a stack? To that end, HVR MAG introduced a new approach of lifting angle iron - Lifting electromagnet.

Due to the unique form of the cross section of angle iron, the lifting electromagnet is accordingly designed with a concave surface, which can ensure a perfect and tight grip of the angle iron.
As shown in pictures, 5 magnetic lifters are suspended below the beam, hanged together below the hook of an overhead crane in the factory. The control cabinet is installed on the beam.

These permanent lifting electromagnets are custom made by HVR MAG, featured with the following competitive edges:

◆Energy saving - no power consumption during the lift; electricity is only needed for magnetization and demagnetization phase.

◆Superior lifting safety - the magnetic force will not fade or disappear even in a sudden power outage, which means the lifted long & heavy angle iron will not fall off to cause any injury.

◆Radio remote control - only one operator is needed to manipulate the whole lifting process.

As a professional manufacturer of electro permanent magnets, HVR MAG can not only supply lifting magnets, but also the lifting beam, upon client's request. Lifting capacity and magnet size, specially engineered and manufactured to help client get the most out of their lifting operation.

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