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Electro Permanent Magnetic System Is Helpful in the Industrial Application

May 11,2018

Stack machine is widely used in industrial applications, in the process of automatic handling, stack machine can replace a lot of manual labor, lifting and puting the workpiece in order, thus saving working time and improving production efficiency.For the different type of plate work, the difficulty of handling will be greatly improved , in order to avoid damage, deformation and loss of workpiece, a better stack machine is needed to handling it. Good news is that the electro permanent magnetic system of our company match as the stack machine can effectively avoid the above problems.

Good news is that the electro permanent magnetic system of our company match as the stack machine can effectively avoid the above problems.The electric permanent magnetic system is supported under the stack machine, and the control system is used to control magnetization and demagnetization to adjust the magnetic force , so that can load and unload workpiece . What’s more , when the power is cut the magnetic force wouldn’t lose , so as to ensure safety.

The yellow part of the above photo is our electro permanent magnetic system , the adsorbed workpiece is wave shape , we according to the shape of workpiece,  design the electric permanent magnet system as a small triangle,so that can achieve the goal of perfect contact surfaceare of workpiece , greatly improve the magnetic force when handling the workpiece .

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