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Lifting Magnet for Steel Plates: Q&A with the customer

Aug 31,2022
Today I’d like to share with you a Q&A with one of our customers. It’s about the lifting magnet for steel plates.
Our customer is a state owned company, engaging in construction engineering design, building intelligent system design, human defense engineering design, special equipment design, etc.

Customer requirements:

1. Our customer needed to do overall plant design and planning for a company in the air and railway industry.

Questions & answers:


1. Why can a magnet with a self-weight of only 3 tons lift 20-ton ferrous material?

The company had experience with electromagnetic lifters before. The electromagnet was for handling more than 10T of steel plate,with about 7T of self-weight. That’s why they wondered how electro permanent magnetic lifter would be so much lighter.

As the electromagnet is generated by the copper coil magnetic force, the greater the magnetic force the greater the number of the copper coil turns. And accordingly the overall volume will increase. Then the end customer also had to increase the lifting capacity of the crane.
While for electro permanent magnet, it has two rare earth permanent magnet material to maintain the magnetic force during working process. The coil simply gives a momentary current to control the direction of the magnetic field of the internal permanent magnet.That’s why the copper coil is very small.
The weight of most of HVR MAG lifting magnet is about 2T. So customers do not need to consider adding lifting capacity to the crane.

What are the other advantages of electro permanent magnets?

1.In the steel plate handling, structural fabricators and machinery manufacturers have been using electro permanent magnetic lifter for a long time world wide. As a magnet manufacturer, HVR MAG has been very focused and specialized since the beginning.
2.All magnets can be tailored according to the specification of the steel plate. The contact face, magnetic force, and shape of magnet module can be designed specially. We can also design one set of magnetic lifter that compatible with steel plates of different sizes and specifications.
3.Manpower cost reduction and safety enhancement. The ferrous workpieces won’t fall even in case of electricity is off.
4.Energy saving. Unlike electromagnet, the electro permanent magnet only consumes electricity when in two moments:“magnetization” & “demagnetization”.
The customer listened to our answer, and fed it back to the end customer. They finally decided to accept our proposal -- to use an electro permanent lifting magnet for steel plates.
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