
Efficiently Loading Steel Plate & Unloading Cut Parts

How to load/unload cutting table, especially for long & thin steel plate and cut parts? HVR MAG here introduces an efficient way to achieve that - cutting table lift magnets.

The cutting table lift magnets shown in pictures, were designed to meet the special material handling needs required in precision flame, plasma and laser cutting table operations. They are a fast, effective and affordable way to move and retrieve parts.

This magnet system is engineered for uses such as loading large, thin steel sheet or plate onto cutting table, and after burning, unloading the cut parts and skeletons in a single lift. It employs 24 permanent-electro lifting magnet modules in 3 rows (8 in each row) on a frame.
When loading narrow sheets, it can activate 2 rows of magnets on the left; when loading wide sheet, it can choose the magnets on each side of the rows, to grab the sheet. When unloading cut parts, magnets in 3 rows can be all activated. Plus, this lift system is equipped with a radio remote control, which only requires one worker to operate.

Unlike mechanical methods, magnetic handling allows you to clear cut parts, unload skeletons and reload with new plates quickly, efficiently, and safely. Cutting table magnets, not only eliminate time consuming handling of grabs and chains when you load and unload your burning table, but also improves productivity and creates a safer work environment by eliminating manual handling of multiple parts and the need for operators to climb on burn tables. This system can positively and significantly impact a company’s bottom line through reduced labor and table downtime.

Complete with multiple safety interlocks to prevent de-activation during a lift, the permanent-electro magnets are exceptionally energy-efficient using power only for activate and de-activate functions. Available in many standards and custom sizes.

For more information on a complete line of lift magnets with various models, sizes and strengths to handle many different lifting jobs, visit our product page or contact us for any queries.

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