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Lifting Magnet Manufacturer Shows You How to Handle Steel Plate Safely and Efficiently

Lifting Magnet Manufacturer Shows You How to Handle Steel Plate Safely and Efficiently

Below is the newly designed steel plate handling equipment by lifting magnet manufacturer HVR MAG, for safe and efficient handling of steel plates in a steel fabricator's workshop....
2022-01-11 229 Следовать HVR MAG Новости
Electric Lifting Magnet VS Electro-permanent Lifting Magnet - See the Difference

Electric Lifting Magnet VS Electro-permanent Lifting Magnet - See the Difference

Let’s see some frequently asked questions about electric lifting magnet and our electro-permanent lifting magnet by clients inquiring about a proper set of steel handling equipment....
2022-01-06 246 Следовать Отраслевые новости
2022 to HVR MAG - New Year, New Facility, New Future

2022 to HVR MAG - New Year, New Facility, New Future

With the coming of 2022, HVR MAG has got so many to say and share about the upcoming new year, its new facility which is about to be put into use, and its business in the future....
2021-12-31 222 Следовать HVR MAG Новости
Milling Magnetic Chuck - Machining with Higher Accuracy

Milling Magnetic Chuck - Machining with Higher Accuracy

Milling magnetic chuck, or other referred to as magnetic table/bed, is a type of frequently used workholding device to hold and support workpiece for more accurate machining operations in machining centers....
2021-12-24 369 Следовать HVR MAG Новости
A Christmas Letter to Clients & Team Members from HVR MAG

A Christmas Letter to Clients & Team Members from HVR MAG

With the biggest annual event of the year is around, and that the year coming to a close, HVR MAG sent its greetings and wishes to its clients and team members in the Christmas letter....
2021-12-22 260 Следовать HVR MAG Новости

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